Mission Statement:
"Everyone Successful Everyday" Kimper Elementary is a K-8 school with approximately 125 students enrolled. It is located in Pike County, KY just outside of Pikeville. The feeder High School is Pike Central High. The school is surrounded by the beautiful mountains of Appalachia and the community is rich with the warm appeal of its people. The school offers an excellent academic program in both primary and upper grades (as evidenced by state test scores), and a caring faculty / staff. Basic courses are enriched by extra classes including Art, PE, Pre-Algebra, Library Media Education and Guidance. The school also has the Family Resource and Youth Services Center (FRYSC), Title I, Gear-Up Program, a Special Needs program and a Speech Pathologist. Students who choose a sport or club may play Basketball, join Cheerleading, or compete in the area of technology with the STLP club. Parents can keep in touch with their child's progress with the use of Infinite Campus - Parent Portal: https://infinitecampus.pike.kyschools.us/campus/portal/pike.jsp The school has Site Based Council. The members of the School Based Council are: Victor Justice, Karen Roberts, Kathy Reid, Tamara Stiltner, and Tiffany Lawson